Upcoming Events

Healthy Living Youth Workshop
All K-12 students are welcome to join us for an interactive workshop on healthy eating, staying active, and growing your own food in Biloxi, MS.

Farm to School Delta Regional Networking Meeting
Join the Mississippi Farm to School Network's Delta Regional Networking Meeting, where Farmers and Child Nutrition Directors will connect to build partnerships that bring fresh, locally grown foods into school cafeterias.

Dig into this year's Mississippi Farm to School Week Challenge
Each year, we celebrate the Farm to School movement in the first week of October. Any school or early childcare center can participate in Mississippi Farm to School Week and National Farm to School Month. As part of the week-long celebration, the Mississippi Farm to School Network Challenges School Districts and Early Childcare Centers to give farm to school a try: buy a local food to serve on cafeteria trays or do an activity in the school garden.

Delta Fresh Foods Kids Field Day
Are you interested in a fun and educational day centered on agriculture? The Mississippi Farm to School Network invites K-12 students and their families to join us on June 14, 2024, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. for a FREE event hosted by Delta Fresh Foods on their beautiful farm in Cleveland, MS. Lunch is included.
Kids will also get the opportunity to win a sensational Door Prize Drone valued at $100!

Squash Your Hunger with the Mississippi Farm to School Week Challenge!
Celebrate Mississippi Farm to School Week by pledging to join the Challenge!

From the Farm to the Tray Farmer Workshop
Calling all farmers, growers, and producers seeking to learn more about how to sell your products to school cafeterias. Join us on July 21st to gain insight on networking with school cafeterias, how to market to schools, production & distribution for school cafeterias, safe handling practices, and more. The training will be held in the VIP room in the Golden Moaon Casino in Choctaw, MS. The training will start at 10am and conclude by 2pm. Lunch will be provided.
Please register for the workshop in advance, there is no fee for registration. Sign up today here: https://forms.gle/cp9CDLV11TEquC8Y8
If you have any questions regarding the event, please contact sydney@mississippifarmtoschool.org. We hope to see you there!

Mississippi Farm to Cafeteria Conference
Join us on March 9, 2023 to gather for the annual Mississippi Farm to Cafeteria Conference. We are thrilled to convene in person this year, and look forward to seeing you there. The conference will bring farm to school champions and practitioners from throughout the region to learn and grow the farm to school movement.
The one-day event will include engaging and thought provoking sessions and workshops, networking sessions, and the opportunity to share the ways in which you are advancing farm to school. You can expect a delicious lunch prepared by a chef with locally sourced ingredients.
The conference will be held at the Mississippi E-Center in Jackson Mississippi from 9am-5pm. Early-bird Registration opens February 2nd at a discounted rate of $35 per person. General Registration opens February 16th at the cost of $50 per person. Vendor tables will be available for $100 per table. Register here!
We will be offering scholarships to students and other eligible attendees. If you are interested in applying for a scholarship, please email Sydney@mississippifarmtoschool.org before registering.
We are thrilled to announce our Keynote Speaker, Erika Allen and Malcolm Evans of Urban Growers Collective. Erika Allen (she/her) is the Co-Founder & CEO – Operations for Urban Growers Collective and the President of Green ERA Educational NFP and Co-Owner of Green Era Sustainability Partners. She is passionate about social justice and working with multicultural groups in the elimination of racism, related oppressions, and the root causes of poverty by integrating creative and therapeutic techniques alongside food security and community development.
Thank you to our generous sponsors of the 2023 Mississippi Farm to Cafeteria Conference:
Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians
Pearl River Graphics Printing
We are still accepting sponsorships for this event. If your business is interested in donating a sponsorship to offset the costs of the conference, please visit this link.

Mississippi Farm to School Week Challenge
Any school or early childcare center can participate in Mississippi Farm to School Week and National Farm to School Month. Each year, Mississippi Farm to School Network Challenges School Districts and Early Childcare Centers to give farm to school a try in October: buy a local food to serve on cafeteria trays or do an activity in the school garden. The Challenge offers three routes:
Procurement Challenge: Highlight a local menu item throughout the week. You can invite a farmer to visit, or visit a local farm to further engage your students in farm to school. The theme is “Lettuce Thrive” highlighting locally grown seasonal lettuce, but feel free to serve any local food. MS Farm to School Network can help connect you to farmers and facilitate the procurement process if you need. Prizes for participating in this challenge will include promotional items like posters, stickers, and other items related to local procurement.
Garden Challenge: Kickstart your garden by planting some seeds or do an activity or lesson in the garden! Prizes will include seeds and other garden supplies. If possible, the MS Farm to School Network team will be happy to come out and help with garden work.
Supreme Challenge (Procurement & Garden): Participate in both the Procurement and the garden challenge.
If you are interested in registering your district or school, please complete the registration form here: Registration Form
MS Farm to School Network will also help with garnering media attention for participating schools. Happy National Farm to School Month and Mississippi Farm to School Week!

Community Garden Grand Opening at the Salvation Army Kroc Center Biloxi
Join us to celebrate the grand opening of the community garden at the Salvation Army Kroc Center in Biloxi! Members and non-members of the Kroc Center are encouraged to attend. The event will cater to K-12 students, families, and community members interested in learning more about growing your own food and becoming involved with a community garden.
The event will feature a garden tour accompanied by learning activities, introduction to gardening, and a cooking demo for lunch.
The event will be donation-based. We ask those of you who can to pay $10 per child/person. Your donation of any amount is certainly appreciated and will go towards future funding for this garden and other community & school gardens and events across the state. Registration opens on June 16th and is required to attend. Find the link to register, here.

Kids Field Day
Ready, set, grow! Mississippi Farm to School Network invites k-12 children and their family to join us on April 16, 2022 for a fun filled day of activity and education centered in agriculture. Galloway Family Farm & Education Center is hosting this event on their beautiful farm in Ocean Springs, MS and we are happy to make it FREE to the public. To register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/294951968277
At this event, children will visit various learning stations that encourage hands-on participation and exploration. Come learn...
All about chickens
Edible Plants and other cool science
Composting 101
Grow Your Own at Home
In addition to our learning stations, we will have an amazing face painter on site, raffles, and free lunch... I mean, who can turn down free food ?!
This community event promotes health and wellness by educating young people on the source of their food, environmental stewardship, and the many benefits of fresh local produce.
We hope to see you there!
Special thank you to Southern Farm Bureau in Jackson, MS for sponsoring this event.

Mississippi Farm to Cafeteria Conference 2022
Thank you for your interest in the 2021 Virtual Mississippi Farm to Cafeteria Conference! The annual conference brings farm to school practitioners and future practitioners together from across the state and region to share, learn, and help grow the farm to school movement. Food service directors, farmers, school administration, teachers, students and community advocates are encouraged to attend. Registration opens at 9AM on Tuesday January 11th, here.
In lieu of a registration fee this year, we encourage those who can to donate whatever you can to offset the cost of the event. Please see the link to donate to our fiscal sponsor, Earth Island Institute, below the link to register on the zoom registration page.
We are so thrilled to announce our keynote speaker for this year’s conference, Jessica Harris. Jessica B. Harris, considered by many to be one of the ranking authorities on the food of the African Diaspora, is the author, editor, or translator of eighteen books including twelve cookbooks documenting the foodways of the African Diaspora. Harris consults internationally and conceptualized the award-winning cafeteria of the Smithsonian Museum of African American History and Culture. She is currently leading the Culinary Institute of America’s new African Diaspora Foodways initiative. In 2021, High on the Hog, based on Harris’s book of the same name, premiered on Netflix. Dr. Harris is also lead curator for the exhibit African/American: Making the Nation’s Table to be presented by New York’s Museum of Food and Drink in 2022.
Dr Harris holds numerous awards and accolades including an honorary doctorate of humane letters from Johnson & Wales University. In 2019, her food-related works were inducted into the James Beard Cookbook Hall of Fame and she is the 2020 James Beard Lifetime Achievement awardee. Dr. Harris taught at Queens College/CUNY, New York , for five decades and is currently professor emerita at that institution.
While we will miss the opportunity to gather in person this year, we are so excited to deliver a flexible and diverse array of sessions that we suspect you will find interesting. We look forward to seeing you, virtually, February 8th. Register here!

Mississippi Farm to School Week
Any school or early childcare center can participate in Mississippi Farm to School Week and National Farm to School Month. Each year, Mississippi Farm to School Network Challenges School Districts and Early Childcare Centers to give farm to school a try in October: buy a local food to serve on cafeteria trays or do an activity in the school garden.
The deadline has passed to sign up for the Mississippi Farm to School Week Challenge, where packages of “happies” are sent out in exchange for participation, but we welcome all to our zoom celebration!
We are celebrating Mississippi Farm to School Week virtually again this year. Join us on October 5th for a short, online event featuring local chefs, farmers, and state leadership! Join with your classroom, kids, friends, everyone is welcome to join, play, and learn with us.
Register in for the event in advance, here: